
The 5th Plenary Meeting (Nondisclosure)

■Date:   December 16th (Mon)
■Venue:  Seminar Room, Building No. 3, Headquarters, National Institute of Information and Communications
       Technology, Koganei, Japan


Date Hours Speaker Contents Audience
December 16 (Mon.) Discussion on Entire Research Area
13:00‒13:15 Tetsuya Kawanishi

(Waseda University)

Opening and Summary of Entire Research Area All members, including Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, and Collaborating Researchers
Discussion on Each Project
13:15‒13:30 Atsushi Uchida

(Saitama University)

Project B01 report The same as above
13:30‒13:45 Mikio Hasegawa

(Tokyo University of Science)

Project B03 report The same as above
13:45‒14:00 Michihiro Koibuchi

(National Institute of Informatics)

Project A01 report The same as above
14:00‒14:15 Break
14:15‒14:30 Satoshi Kawakami

(Kyushu University)

Project A02 report The same as above
14:30‒14:45 Satoshi Sunada

(Kanazawa University)

Project C01 report The same as above
14:45‒15:00 Akifumi Kasamatsu

(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

Project C02 report The same as above
15:00‒15:15 Tetsuya Kawanishi

(Waseda University)

Project B02 report The same as above
15:15‒15:30 Break
Discussion on Publicly Offered Project
15:30‒15:45 Suguru Shimomura

(Osaka University)

Project B04-2 report The same as above
15:45‒16:00 Naoya Kuse

(Tokushima University)

Project B04-3 report The same as above
16:00‒16:15 Yuya Shoji

(Institute of Science Tokyo)

Project C03-1 report The same as above
16:15‒16:30 Takayuki Ishibashi

(Nagaoka University of Technology)

Project C03-2 report The same as above
16:30‒16:45 Break
16:45‒17:00 Toshiharu Saiki

(Keio University)

Project C03-3 report The same as above
17:00‒17:15 Koichi Takiguchi

(Ritsumeikan University)

Project C03-4 report The same as above
17:15‒17:30 Masanori Takabayashi

(Kyushu Institute of Technology)

Project A03-2 report The same as above
17:30‒17:45 Jun Shiomi

(Osaka University)

Project A03-1 report The same as above

■Number of Participants:
       82 (Onsite)